Appreciate the review and reminder of previous inglorious defrauders using the masks of religion, crime, and politics. Say it loudly and often worked in the past and works now with Trump. Another device is to latch onto an enemy that can be identified. I recall when Ted Kennedy was the constant fund-raising target for many conservative outfits. Then it was Nancy Pelosi. Then it was those who were identified as “woke.”

Now it is Joe Biden.

While I don’t believe in a hell, that type of retribution would give me some pleasure.

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Excellent point Marvin. Hitching one's politics to someone you can get others to hate is tragically a way to fatten the coffers.

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Excellent point, Marvin. Hitching your politics and fundraising to an identified enemy and stoking contempt is unfortunately a winning strategy.

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Great analysis of our present situation.

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Thanks, Joe. It’s good to be reminded that Trump fits into a very American tradition. I still hear good people saying, “This is not who we are.” But it’s who nearly half of us are and they’re on the precipice of taking over.

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Much attention has been placed on Biden's disastrous performance at the "debate," but little with regard to Trump's, which was a concatenation of lies and fantasies from beginning to end. In addition to grift and sleaze, Trump is a paean to a world in which mendacity is as valid as truth, and reality is dissolved into a surrealistic maelstrom. Tens of millions of our fellow American's now inhabit this bizarre and irrational realm. We need to hold fast to our minds.

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