Good analysis of complex issues.

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Appreciate this insightful history of American evangelism. And school integration as a catalyst that energized evangelism in the south by stimulating private segregated schools makes sense. I wonder whether evangelists and right-wing politicians hooked onto each other to stimulate and ride an anti-abortion platform to riches and power.

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I have read other critiques similar to this. I was raised an evangelical and still hold to those ideas and ideals somewhat. I can assure you that conservative Christianity of the 1950s is nothing like today’s political movement disguising itself as a Christian. Power and lust for power do indeed corrupt. Thanks for this review.

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Spot on. There’s a popular MAGA hat that reads “Jesus is My Savior, Trump is My President.” What an unsettling partnership!

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sounds right to me. but one should not completely underestimate the threat posed by the emergence of Darwinism in the late 19th century, leading to the creation of fundamentalism, particularly with the 1910 publication of The Fundamentals. .

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