Joe: I'm still a secular person who allows myself to be enchanted by your words.

Best regards, Fay

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Reading this post Joe I remembered the laboring effort to read all of Charles Taylor's weighty book, A Secular Age. He agreed with Weber that post-Enlightenment rationality and worshipping science rather than the "spirits" lead to a secularizing and disenchantment in modernity. I get their point because believing all things around you have an spiritual energy makes one alert to what one experiences on walks, swimming, or running by each day. This is not religion of old. But my experience and that of many other secular people is that as you suggest we replace this readily with new meaning, like my Dodgers just set a franchise record for the most wins in a seasons and I wait with keen anticipation for the Baseball Playoffs not the Kingdom of God. I don't think the ball and bat of my teammates are endowed with special divinity but a home-run off the bat of Vlady Guerrero sends me into ecstatic enchantment until or if we lose the game. Modernity has replaced ancient mystical enchantment with mystical beliefs that our new tribal team can win it all and they sometimes do not disappoint. I find great meaning in not only my work as a Humanist Chaplain but as an avid sports fan and fly fisherman who honors life of all beings and release my catch along with feeling the awe of the stream in its rushing current. Enchantment is everywhere but with an updated narrative of cause and effect the spiritual has a different meaning but not less meaningful.

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Thughtful article, Joe! Here's to enchantment!

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Joe, you are an excellent writer and your writing reflects your education and life experiences as well. You are an interesting person and anyone who studied under you surely appreciates the insights on life you are able to present. I look forward to every post from you.

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Very interesting.

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